Animations are good (apart from dragon not having any sense of weight and flying like a big toothy zeppelin), visuals are nice, esp. Morrogh - slow but resilient poison breathing necromancer - armed mostly with necromantic spells, with some armour, debuffs and a bunch of nice AoE nukes for a good measure.Įach with unique model that evolves and grows as you level up.OTOH you will be fast and once you do get your AoE nukes you will be able to spam them.

Oh, there's also the Guncaster mod for Doom (2) where you play as a dragon dude (which incidentally has possibly the best shotgun of any game ever). There's also Divinity: Dragon Commander where you can turn into a jet-powered dragon (seriously) to help out in the RTS sections for a limited amount of time.
Plus 2 or 3 pretty awful games on Steam whose names I forget.

And you can kinda-sorta turn into a dragony thing in Dark Souls, though it's more of an anorexic goat in the third one. There's also a dragon faction in Battle for Wesnoth. 15 years old now (so I guess it can't be that bad, right?). Maybe I just had a shit build or something? I don't know or care enough to find out.Īdding to the list, there's an (apparently not very good) MMO called Istaria where you can play as a dragon. Also I remember the combat being incredibly boring tedious bullshit with obnoxious levelling mechanics (in that enemies 3+ levels above you are instant death, and 3+ levels below are made of paper and give 1xp) that forces extremely linear progression despite the apparent openness, but that's another thing entirely. Yes, you can turn into a dragon, but if you're only going to play it because that's an option, you're in for crushing disappointment. I'll admit that there's some games that I've played purely because they had dragons/dinosaurs and/or lizard people in, because I enjoy that sort of thing, but even I couldn't bear to play through that game more than once. Most places aren't very large either, so there's not much room to fly around, and the ones that do have space are barren and empty. All normal enemies also disappear the moment you transform, so you're limited to breathing fire at turrets or the occasional enemy dragon thing. Some of these are even lower than the thing you're trying to destroy, or lower than the entrance to the area you want to visit (walk in, fucko!). In many areas of the game there are very low glass ceilings that limit your ability to fly. Click to expand.Word of warning if you're interested in this game just because of the ability to change into a dragon: when you finally get to turn into a dragon you'll find that your ability to enjoy this faces major obstacles.